Kirby is consider to be the most amazing part of Corbie Ville, There are a few reasons for it. One is that this is just in Kirby, the oldest buildings in the city are located.

Feel the amazing atmosphere of Kirby
Feel the amazing atmosphere of Kirby

The old french architectures been pressing since the years and it doesn’t stop impress even now. The mix of Baroque and Renaissance architecture is also the main theme on postcards from this part of the country. Kirby, indeed s a very special place.

You will be delighted spending time in this magical, historic place. Not only will it impress you in terms of the wonderful buildings but also great places to eat and drink something. The best restaurant of Corbie are localised just in the very centre called Kirby. However there are many entertaining spots as well. No matter whether you are an adult or you are a child.

Kirby always offers lots of interesting activities to do! One of the most famous spots in this place that people from all over the world come to visit is The Museum of Joseph Strauss. Joseph Strauss was a leading pianist. The musician was born in Vienna and he grew up in Austria as well. In his 18 he decided to move to California and let people from the West Coast know about his music. It must be said that that kind of music – classical music that Strauss played was not so popular in that part of America.

Visit one of the most charming places in France
Visit one of the most charming places in France

After 3 month stay in California Strauss could not stand the ignorance he encountered on the local people par. Those three months seemed to him to be too long to stay day a day longer. As soon as possible he moved to New York City. That turned out to be a great decision as the city of New York was famous for its passion to jazz and classical music that Strauss played! However, after the next 5 months spent in Big Apple Joseph missed France where his grandparents come from and where he had used to spend every summer.

In the museum you may see amazing things reminding the artist. With us you will have this unique opportunity to visit the Museum of Joseph Strauss and see his original pianos and many other instruments he plays. The tour include dinner in a local traditional restaurant with typical French food. Please note we need to know at least 3 days in advance if you are a vegetarian. If not you will have an opportunity to chose one of 4 friendly restaurants. Hope we will meet up in Kirby soon!