Visiting the city of Krakow, you will be definitely delighted to see its beautiful architecture. It’s the former capital of Poland and so-called “city of kings”. Together with KrakowDirect company we offer you Krakow walking tour that will let you see its best advantages. The unlimitable city’s atmosphere attracts thousands of tourists from around the world. Plenty of festivals take place in the city during the whole year.  

This charming city is connected many interesting legends. Through the Krakow walking tour, we want to take you on a trip, that follows places connected with these legends. The most popular one among the citizen is about the dragon. The creature was harassing inhabitants by eating a few of them every day. One boy, called Szewczyk Dratewka, gave to the dragon faked sheep filled with sulfur. The dragon contently devoured the sheep. However, after this sulfur dish, he became extremely thirsty. He was drinking the Vistula River and finally blew out. During the Krakow walking tour, you can see the dragon’s cave, just beneath the Wawel castle.

Krakow walking tour, dragon
The Wawel Dragon 

Another very popular legend is about the bugle call, that you can hear every hour from the tower of St. Mary’s Basilica. It is said, that the bugle player was shot in the neck by an arrow in the middle of call. That’s why every time the call breaks off without ending. The St. Mary’s Basilica is the first stop in Krakow walking tour, as it located in the main square. You can also visit the interior of Basilic and admire its gothic architecture. What’s more, there also exists a legend about the Basilica’s two towers built by two brothers. One is higher than the other and during the tour you will find out why!

St. Mary’s Basilica’s two towers.

There are many more legends, that will be introduced to you during the Krakow walking tour. Every district in the city is different and has its own special features. Each of them has some legendary story to be told and legendary places to be seen.

Beside following Krakow legends, we would like to take you to the traditional Polish restaurant as well. It’s very important to try the local cuisine if you’re in foreign country. Our Krakow walking tour ends in one of the besrestaurants in Krakow, that serves delicious dishesh, characteristic for Southern Poland. It includes oscypek cheese, as well as famous Polish dumplings.

To sum up – if you want to explore the city in an original way, don’t wait and book the Krakow walking tour today.