Visiting Corbie you will be certainly enchanted with the beauty of the early-medieval richness that the place is mainly noted for. But first you should know a few important historical (but not only historical) facts.

The facts about this amazing village located in the Somma department of the Hauts-de-France region in northern France. Some consider Corbie a village and some a city. However the French call the place Corbie Ville. Anyways, Corbie has developed at the turn of the sixth and seventh century.
The very beginnings of the village were closely related to Corbie Abbey – a Benedictine Abbey founded in 657 where Saint Adalbert’s grave was placed. The grave of the Saint was the very reason why the abbey was established in Corbie.
Well, the abbey was developing over the years and soon it became one of the most important places in the whole country of France.
The abbey was a very significant spot for a few reasons. The most important was unquestionably the educational reason. This is actually in Corbie Abbey where one of the greatest library in France was located. Great collections of the Benedictines were a essential treasure in the scale of the whole country. However, the abbey as well as the whole city has suffered seriously during the Vikings’ decent in the ninth century.
Today the city of Corbie is inhabited by almost 6400 persons but do not think it is not crowded. It is indeed as most of the people that you can meet on the street are tourists. Well, the Corbie village is very popular tourist destination throughout the whole year. The secret of this place is that it never lose its charm. You can visit Corbie in Summer as well as in the winter and you will be always glad and enchanted. Check out our tours and chose one option that fit you the most. Find out what Corbie Ville has to offer and prepare for wonderful experiences.